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Charting and Graphing


Modeling And Computing Services

APLOT is a simple, interactive menu-driven program for quickly producingpublication-quality technical graphs from a variety of datafile formats,available for workstation systems. The program can be run on color ormonochrome workstation monitors under SunView or OpenWindows, on simplealphanumeric terminals, on Tektronix-compatible graphic terminals, on IBMPC and Macintosh computers, or on any workstation running the X WindowSystem.On graphic terminals and monitors, the graph can be displayed as it isdeveloped. This program features technical graph scales (linear, semi-log, log-log), multiple colors, many plotting symbols and line styles,multiple traces on the same axes, legends, axis labels and titles,control over axis scaling and plot size, and the ability to store andreuse plot templates and plot files.Output can be directed to graphic hardcopy devices under menu control,including various HP-GL- and PostScript-compatible devices. Plots can besaved in a format convenient for merging text and other graphics usingFrameMaker, WordPerfect, and other similar publishing software.

Language: C, FORTRAN
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Modeling And Computing Services
6400 Lookout Rd Suite 105
Boulder, CO 80301
Phone: (303) 530-4295
Fax: (303) 530-3945